Posts Tagged With: christmas

Church Christmas Party

The weekend before Christmas was our church’s planned Christmas party. Everyone had drawn a name and was meant to get a small gift for that person. The men would supply the meat, while the women provided and prepared everything else.

In Swazi fashion, the women gathered at the church by 7am to start the fire and begin the dicing and slicing. I walked the 5 minutes to the church, while leaving Cedar at home with Sean. She was sleeping, so he had a relaxing morning, while I sat with about 6 other women and some teenage girls. Since I was late, I was left to chop about 10 lbs of carrots, peel the boiled beets, and grate both beets and carrots.

During previous food-prep times like this, I felt incredibly awkward. I would stand around, asking one women who I knew well enough what I should do. I didn’t understand much, so I couldn’t chime in. This time, I still didn’t do a lot of talking in the larger group. I’ve found that my “international” personality is a much more “watch and learn” one that my American personality. When I was alone with just one other mom, I’d make small talk. Sometimes it’s really, really challenging because not many initiate a conversation with me. It seems we’re all afraid of each other’s languages. 🙂

By about 10, they did inform me it was time to go home and get cleaned up in order to return for church since all the food was finished. I offered to stay because no one else was walking away at that moment, but they shooed me off. Off I went. To nurse Cedar, wrap my gift, pack up some cups and last-minute supplies we needed, snag my Bible, and walk back to church with Sean and Cedar this time.

Church usually lasts from 11-1, but on that day, it went a little longer. I was grateful for the first of two preachers who actually shared a message about the Christmas story and coming of Christ. It has been my experience around holidays that the messages, songs, and services are not geared towards the Christian celebration. There’s no mention of an empty grave at Easter, no Lord-as-a-babe for Christmas. But this Sunday there was! It made church stretch longer, but it was worth it.

During church, Cedar does much better if a Swazi mom or girl holds her. After some time with Sean or I, she’ll get anxious and sqwuak quite a bit. It makes things challenging, especially because it’s either hold-her-in-your-lap-while-she-fusses, or let-her-crawl-in-the-dust-and-terrorize-people. We tag-teamed throughout the service and sighed a bit when it concluded after 2.5 hours.

Then came the gift exchanging. But first, a prayer over the gifts and givers. We had all brought our gifts to the front of the room and placed what would fit on a small wooden bench, which also double as our pulpit. The Sunday school children received a gift from their teacher. One-by-one, each small gift was picked up, the name was read, and we all waited patiently, expectantly as the recipient walked to the front, curtsied and received their gift with cupped hands – showed respect. At one point, after the children seemed to hesitate in approaching the front, Babe  Dlamini said, “Hurry up! Go. It’s your teacher. Don’t be afraid.” The gift-giving procedded slightly faster after that encouragement!

After the children had received their gifts, there were still some without, and some recipients who hadn’t arrived to claim them. All the children without gifts made a line at the front. Once the teacher saw how many remained without gifts, she sent them back to their seats. I’m not sure if they’ll get gifts later, or just missed out. It did amaze me that almost no sadness or disappointment crossed the faces of the children who had no gift in their hands. Additionally, they were told to open them when they were home. Wakhile, the 5-year old daughter of a friend, and I giggled over what could be inside. She and her mother felt around, trying to guess. Her mother determined what it was. The suspense almost killed the little girl. It’s about the same everywhere isn’t it?

The adult’s gift-giving proceeded about the same. I had agonized a bit over what gift I would give to the young woman whose name I had pulled. In the end, I went with dishes. 2 dinner plates. 4 small coffee cups. And a packet of biscuits (hard cookies). Most adults didn’t open their presents at the church, but a few of them did. Everyone (including me) whose gifts I saw had some type of dish, tupperware, or kitchen item. Whew!  I was relieved I had gone with my gut and bought dishes. I was uncertain the price range I was supposed to spend. I decided that a little spoiling was okay, so I spent a little bit more than I thought others would. But it was a perfect time to bless someone without sticking out – anonymous gifting- hello!

After we all received our packages, there was more waiting and planning and then finally we got to dish up the food. Platters were scooped out from the main bowls to serve the children outside. Make Gwebu piled on the rice. Make Zwane added the sauce and chicken. I piled on the salads -beet root, carrot, and potato. I apparently piled too much in the beginning because Make Zwane asked Make Gwebu to tell me to only do one scoop each! oops!

Shortly after eating, Cedar was getting unruly . . . aka she was biting Sean. So he took her home. I gobbled my food (at 2:30) and told the women I’d be back. I trotted home after Sean and Cedar to nurse her and put her down for a nap. I peed. Then trotted back to the church for the third time. Being within walking distance of church is super convenient and good for exercise. 🙂

Everyone was just chilling out. Most of the children had gone home, some of the adults had vacated. Those who were left were the young girls who were washing all the dishes (that’s the job. The mothers cook, the young girls wash the dishes. I’m actually not sure what the fathers do :/). We all lounged and relaxed. I sat perched pretty awkwardly on that bench – desperately trying to be present – but seriously tired and ready for an afternoon nap! It wasn’t too long when we all decided it was time to go.

I made it home and crashed on the couch, while Cedar was still napping. She took a hearty long nap, so I was able to pass out for 50 minutes while Sean went to work out. It was a good exhaustion. The one that comes from straining your ear to understand siSwati all day. The exhaustion that comes from walking up and down your dusty dirt track. And juggling a baby in church. And laughing with other women. And sweating in the extreme heat. And guessing presents with the young girl beside you who plays with your daughter. An exhaustion that ends the day with a contented sigh and remembers the  moments with a smile, all the tired and hurt forgotten, with only the memories of love, joy, shared time, and beautiful people remaining, which is a lot of what Christmas is all about, isn’t it?

May your days be rich with passion and energy. May you be exhausted from all the love and joy. 


Make Zwane and our pile of gifts for each other. The children sat quietly, but attentively. 🙂


Note the 4 week old passed out on the mat on the left wall. Gotta sleep sometime!


Blurry, but alas, you can see well our pews and all the men waiting for food!


Cedar and Sean hanging in there. . .

Categories: Family Life, Kingdom Coming Related, Swaziland Updates | Tags: , , | 3 Comments

Discovering Advent

December in Swaziland seems a bit different from Christmas in North America. For one, it’s warm. I sleep with a light sheet, rest in the shade during the hottest part of the day, and don’t have a Christmas tree.

Sean’s really good about challenging me. I wanted to buy a gift for everyone I’ve ever known, liked, or talked to – let alone our family. And he said (I think somewhat jokingly), “Why don’t we celebrate Christ’s birth as the focus for Christmas?” I think it was a joke because he’s just not the type to make a birthday cake for Jesus. But it’s really gotten me thinking. I could have bought a mini Christmas tree for the equivalent of $4.20. For some reason I didn’t. Now, I’m starting to see WHY. Without a lot of “Christmas” decorations, no bundling up in scarves and gloves, no family (at least of the blood kind) to get together with, no Christmas presents to buy for my students, no Christmas parties to plan or go to, I’ve really gotten to contemplate.

What IS Christmas all about?

I love my memories of New York City at Christmas time. Now that’s the Christmas magic – the giant glimmering tree at Rockefeller Center, ice skating with friends, the outrageous, yet captivating window displays, peppermint everything, speciality coffee, days off work, people being nicer, Salvation Army Santas raising money for the least of us. I don’t believe in magic, but that’s the word I’d use to capture these moments – magic.

But somehow it seems I’m still missing something. Where I live now, in Swaziland, Christmas isn’t so much about a Christmas tree or presents. In the words of my tutor, “Well, I’m thinking that some Swazis do not have enough money to buy presents for their family. . . we are celebrating the birth of Jesus.” Here, the 14-year-old, now HIV positive new mom, doesn’t have the money to buy her baby a ‘baby’s first Christmas’ one-sie. I don’t write that, so you feel guilty if your little tyke has one. No, this writing isn’t about guilt, but rather discovery.

In examining my childhood memories, and let’s be honest- my adult ones too- I’ve realized that even though growing up my family still made gifts or cookies or food or shopped for people together, it didn’t feel like our Christmas was about STUFF. Honestly, someone asked me what the best Christmas present was – and I could NOT think of one! Totally blank. But if you asked me what my favorite Christmas-time memory was, I’d have loads!!!

And that’s it. I spent the time with people I love. It was a relation-centered gift. The gift of time, memories, hugs, love, selflessness, stories read together as a family. This year’s Christmastime occurs outside those familiar things, so I’ve searched.

In some of my searching, I remembered Advent. Can’t say there was much to remember. I’m a bad little Protestant. With a bit of shame, I crawled to google and typed it in.

My search led me here: [Advent Conspiracy] I’ll admit the ‘conspiracy’ part is why I clicked on the link. I spent the better part of my afternoon listening to a few of the teachings I found there, and searching Luke 1 & 2.

A few things I’ve lifted:

Luke 1:46-55, Mary’s Song starts with ‘Oh how my soul praises the Lord.’ She gives him glory. And vs 52 & 53 are subversive. In the 1980s, Guatemalan government banned this first Christmas song from being played in public. Why? Because they feared that if the poor, the oppressed, the struggling people listened to the words, they might be encouraged and start a riot.”

Well hot- diggity – Let’s listen to them! :

He (God) has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things [unlike the Herod of Mary’s day] and sent the rich away with empty hands.”

vs 55 “For he made this promise to our ancestors, to Abraham and his children forever.”

Whew! She PRAISED God because through this God coming as a baby, through her, it was proof – that He cares for everyone – including the poorest and hungry – and fulfills his promises.

I recommend dedicating some time to searching the reasons behind what you’re doing. The 4 principles of this [Advent Conspiracy] encouraged me greatly, but they’re not rules. The end all-be all. Rather a discovery. That if I’m feeling a bit discontent with just buying a bunch of ish for people, then maybe I should lean in, listen a bit more, search, seek.

Keep on seeking, and you will find.

I’ve sought a Christmas tradition that Sean and I could root ourselves in. A few things that would create those same special memories with our one-day children that our parents created with us. I used to think Sean was Johnny Rain-cloud when it came to Christmas because he doesn’t care. No – he dislikes it even. I still secretly think sometimes ‘Gosh! How depressing! Not caring about Christmas!” But knowing his heart, I know it’s the consumption of things, the loss of Self and God in this season that we can easily experience. Perhaps this Advent can be an intense reminder for us. Rooted in the traditions of millions who have gone before. Millions who enter now. To worship a king who cares about the hungry, the poor, the rich, the full, and fulfills his promises.

ahhh one of my favorites! Sean's first really snowy Christmas (as he claimed it)

ahhh one of my favorites! Sean’s first really snowy Christmas (as he claimed it)

magic. . .

magic. . .

Dec 29, 2009 the day thousands of starfish washed up on shore.

Dec 29, 2009 the day thousands of starfish washed up on shore.

Categories: Kingdom Coming Related, Social Justice | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments

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